Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring, a welcomed breath of fresh air

The insanely long winter has finally ceased and with the new found warmer temperatures the garden grows. We won't address my sanity, but it was really close there for a brief moment if the winter didn't end. How would I ever survive outside the desert?

Frida's "I'm tired of the winter look."
This year I am concentrating on a larger section of herbs in the garden, knowing they grow well here and are an ease to have around. Marjorams, thymes, basils, oreganos, amaranth, mints, and taragons are on the bill so far, and on some of the herbs there are 3-4 kinds. Here's to testing new herb combinations in recipes all summer! I vow to cut and store more herbs for next winter. The ones I saved went quickly this past winter, and store bought just isn't the same. Hopefully the larger herb section and the vow will work together for optimal performance, it will be a win-win.

Pretty in pink amaranth

oregano and thyme just a hangin' out on the porch
The plants that have been outside are really doing well. The onion and garlic are just killing it out there growing big and strong to be consumed. And a bonus mystery plant has once again popped up in the garden from using compost. This particular one is a type of squash or melon looking plant. It is also rocking out, so I am sure very soon the mystery will be solved. I am beginning to totally dig the mystery garden game that has become of the last few years.

garlic, onion, and rosemary
"it's a mystery to me..."
Since tricking the thrasher (click here for the story and instructions), which has worked well, the chard and kale are thriving, and with the various growth cycles it is fun to watch.

very young

transplanted teens

teen sized kale and older chard
And a set of flowers came back in the tires and they are really brightening up the joint. I hope they are  joined by a display of daisies in the near future.

this area is ready to bring it this summer
With the temps being much cooler for longer this season, there are still quite a few plants still trying to grow big enough to make it outside. The tomatoes and such are going to be on a much smaller scale this year. On one had I am going to miss all the tons of recipes and ways to use tomatoes, and on the other I am excited not to spend so much time on tomatoes this year and enjoy the ones the garden blesses me with. So less than 10 tomatoes and probably around 5 pepper plants, once it is all said and done. That is, until I see a plant sale with veggies, then I might be screwed.