Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I might be alive, but are the plants?

It is definitely here, summer. And the first couple of months of summer can be quite brutal while living in the desert before the monsoons arrive.  Fortunately most of May was reasonable, even a bit chilly for my memory. Just my luck, when the temperatures increase to their normal numbers, I go out of town on a vacation. And hot and dry conditions can be hell on a garden when its maintainers are on vacation.

Many and most plants did make the few days with a neighbor watering a tad, but some did not. The newest beans sprouting, about 5, a pot of carrot tops, multiple dill plants, and a few other random things did not make the few days absense. The carrots did not die in vain and will be a yummy taste addition in Pad Thai this week.

A group of plants that did smashingly well during this time was the 3 sisters planting of beans, corn, and squash.

I am surprised and stoked that the squash is doing so well. Many flowers are in bloom, and even more have gone to fruit. It will not be too long til this plant will pass on its goodness to me, a nd I cannot wait! Squash is one of my favorite summer foods, and the hardest decision at this time is what way shall I cook this for the first time this year?

Not only was the heat and lack of water a nuisance to the plants, but a critter as well. I guess the presence of two dogs keeps the critters away, and since they were on vacation too, critters are what became of a few plants. Not so sure what, or how many different critters, but the first of the strawberries and a couple of large tomatoes were eaten. Can't win 'em all, but this time the critters won. It looks as though chicken wire will be added for further protection.

 There may have been a few plants lost, but the beach trip was totally worth it. Sand, water, speaking Spanish, and camping are always a good time. And until the 'free rain' arrives with the monsoons, the plants are going to be adapting to warmer, drier weather, and I will be watering with a bit more frequency.

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