Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A blog full of nuggets

Recently I have found that I enjoy reading blogs from random people. Not in that weird creepy way, but in the informative, entertaining way. One particular blogger writes heavily on her gardening tasks with a little bit of life tossed in. Hey, sounds familiar. Anyhow, a bit a go I read Finny Knits and she introduced life happenings by nuggeting them to the blog world (who she borrowed from someone else that has a cool blog).

Since it has taken me ages to write the numerous blogs that were intended, as I sat down today to share some of the happenings my first thought was, "This is going to be one cluster mucked blog.". Then I remembered the nuggets. Here goes...

Peppers, peppers, peppers. The pepper plants went crazy all at once and provided a surplus of sweet food related booty. I wanted in on the pickled pepper making. Easy as pie, wait, easier than pie.  And why limit oneself to peppers? Why not carrots, garlic and okra? Don't mind if I do.

The yummy goodness

Went out of town for work, got back home, then an invite for a little protesting. I love a protest of any kind. So first day was Occupy Bisbee. Peoples young and old of this township gathered together with a foil wrapped copper Statue of Liberty to show their support.

Power to the people

This kid was so into it!

Support from all angles

Anarchy is right

D drumming

Sign sums it up
Then there was OccuPIE Bisbee...just wanting a piece of the pie. The next day folks continued in the park.


My fave sign...'My food stamps bought this pie'

For the mathians a SLee original


Fork ready for their piece of pie

Joined by the painted

in the park
Then a couple of things continued in the garden. The newly made box finally had dirt and plants added. It is now a cabbage bed with Chinese and Red cabbage. And added a little of Fall color to top off the weekend. What an awesome few days!

A bed full of cabbage
I can't believe coriander comes from these sweet little seeds

A bit of color for the season

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