Tuesday, March 15, 2011

As the garden grows

Just as the show, Days of Our Lives, in my daily 'show' I have 'as the garden grows'. Every year at this time, warmer weather and not as cool breezes give me an itchin' to buy plants. This time of year my addiction grows to two, mac and cheese and plants (mac and cheese is a year long addiction). A gal could have alot worse addictions I suppose.

I picked up yet another bag of soil last night and many a plants were able to be planted or re-potted. Right after the freeze and beating Southeastern Arizona (and much of the United States) received, the hardware store was selling slightly damaged plants for quite a bargain. I have always wanted a larger house plant, and this was my chance. So I took this refuge-seeking plant in and watered it and kept it warm, but for the most part I ignored it. This has treated the plant greatly, and it is now thriving. So it was plant numero uno planted last night, and it received a name, Molly the Majesty Palm. Welcome to the family, glad we could finally meet in the most proper of ways! Not only am I addicted to plants I can eat, but ones that make me smile too, and little miss molly does just that!.

A friend picked up a special pepper for me in Tucson (one that originates in Sonora Mexico), so that was another plant planted, along with a cinnamon basil, tomato, and a bin ready for two strawberry plants.

It seems that I cannot buy enough soil often enough, and there are not enough hours in a day. With working a "real" job, gardening is just a toy, a past time that keeps me out of trouble. I was drilling drainage holes and potting well into dark last night. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I also made contact with another individual that has a supply of worms, and I hope to increase in worms this week as well. After talking with folks, and gaining valuable information from those who have composted cheaply in previous years, I have decided to alter my system, just because it makes sense. I will take some pics when finished and have them available to share with you. Just passin' it on!

Just a few shots of what has popped up and taken shape.....beets, three rows of lettuce and one of spinach, collards, chard, dill, one parsley plant, tons of onions, oregano...

a wee little row of onions

mi pepper waiting to be planted (say that one fast five times, will ya?)    

the rosemary that replaced the one that froze
oh how the lettuce has grown!

I will be stopping off at the feed store on the way home to pick up a straw bale. I have not straw bale gardened before, but have wanted to take a stab at it since hearing of it last year. I am going to start setting up a three section above ground planting space for plants that need to run DEEP. And of course, buy more soil, the story of my life.

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