Monday, June 13, 2011

Inpatient Ina, raise your hand

Impatient Ina, yep, that's me. I must admit this about myself. But it is funny how the impatience will just show up, and in this case, drive me nuts. Then make me laugh.

A few months back I had a taste of watermelon and it was yummy. I do not think this was quite the time of year for it, but it was good. So good that I took 4 seeds home from the melon and plopped them in a cute little orange pot I found on the side of the road. Items randomly appear on the side of the road here, and if you don't swoop something of your liking up, you will not have the chance later, for it will be gone. I digress, where does the impatience factor in?

Well I sat and looked at the pot for some time, empty promises from beneath the soil. Then when a tarragon plant was stumbled upon, I brought it home. The most ideal spot for this tarragon was the cute orange pot, it was lonely.

Fast forward a few weeks and there I am watering the tarragon and it has friends. Puzzled by this, I tried to recall what the plants might be to no avail.


tarragon and watermelon unite!

Fast forward one more week or so....and....OH its watermelon! I chuckled as my neighbor walks up, and after telling her the story, we have a good laugh together. So impatient! But there are now three newly transplanted watermelons in the upper garden, leaving one in with the tarragon for about a week to see how the ones up top take. Don't want to lose em all, just in case

I guess there are always surprises in my world. Another surprise that came to fruition this week was the flowering of the petunias. When you start everything from seed, it can take a while. There has been a planter of petunias sitting on the railing for some time now, and this week 4 popped! They make nice flowers.

such a pretty petunia
A couple of more flower pictures for your enjoyment. The first plant picture's name escapes me, I don't really think I even remembered it from when the lady told me what it was, but pretty none the less. And the other are the portulacas. It is amazing that so many different colors can be dispersed in one plant.

And just a few more happenings this week in the garden. A serrano pepper plant has gone and given me the most flavor this week. The little pepper has produced so much that many meals consist of the little pepper, and boy are they good!

And a bean has finally came up!!! About half of the beans, the newer plantings, were lost as well, but this guy made it through. Unsure what type of bean it is, I forgot it too, but I will soon take a bite and see. If anyone reading this knows what type of bean, pass that knowledge on brotha or sista.

And now to the salad tray. Full sun is a blessing in February, March, and April, but come May, it is HOT and not all plants like it. So the salad try was moved to a shaded area since almost everything was fried. New seeds were planted, and yummy chard and collards have popped up. These two greens are awesome!!! And the spinach went to seed while I was not looking, so I am letting them produce seeds for next time. There is hardly a fail in this corner.

oh so colorful chard

collards, mmm

flowering greens
The garden grows with delight, and in most cases I know what I have planted. In the rare case that I do not, I am surprised with delight, just like when I finally remembered that I had planted watermelon in that cute orange pot I found. I heart surprises.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos. The orange and purple flower that you grew from seed and it took forever is a pansy
