Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can I make that a double?

I have been lucky enough to have a few extra days off this week, and in my antsy in the pantsy way, I have had many side projects to keep me occupied. No rest for the wicked. So, I finally did it.  I saved up and got my very own air compressor and brad gun. I strutted out of Lowe's with my chest filled of pride and a smile a million miles long. I have been wanting this set up for some time now. I even had strategically placed piles of wood, all free wood by ways of pallets and the likes, hoping this day might come. These couple of days off, the newly purchased tool kit, and mounds of wood have allowed me the opportunity to check things off the mental to-build list. First couple of things built were flower boxes to make sure I remembered how to do everything.

Flower box looking over the town

Today's activities included building a much needed fence where little Miss Frida cannot escape. Team efforts work out for the best, and the fence is almost built. One more hour or so tomorrow will be just enough time to finish the fence to the start of its glory. This is definitely the work of a Bisbee fence in progress.
It's a start...

While playing a quick game of Skip-Bo, and losing might I add, I fixed up a second worm compost. Yes
sir-ee, I expanded the worm compound. Those little guys are quite the multipliers. I started this compost thing with a cheap idea found on the internet, click here for an earlier post...(http://pocosobremivida.blogspot.com/2011/03/creepy-crawling-creatures-oh-my.html), and figured my own little method through the process. With the original way I tried to see if the worms would go in a clean patch if fresh food and such was provided. I moved worms and food to one side and used chicken wire in the middle to separate. Each time I wanted compost I still had to go through the awesomeness by hand picking out most of the worms. If this was to be the way I extracted the compost, why mess with trying to lure the worms back and forth, which did not work for me.

No, you are not seeing double. There are now two compost bins.
So with the multiplication of the worms, and an extra bin under the worms, I halved everything and now have two compost bins. It is a good day to be a worm on Opera Dr. Now a bit of sand was added to the mix thanks to some guy at the farmer's market by the name of a.k.a. the worm guy, giving me a tip of the benefits of the grit. If I don't watch out I am going to have a whole army of worms. Won't choo be my neighbor?

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