Sunday, August 28, 2011

Green tomatoes?

The temperatures are once again high, and no afternoon relief is being provided by monsoon rains. It has been many days now since free water flowed. Back to pre-monsoon watering practices. I was getting used to not needing to water, I guess the good times do not last, even in gardening.

The days are still filled with eatings from the garden. Chard and collards have snuck their way into almost every dish. And if it isn't one of those two, the various herbs (taragon, oregano, thyme, cinnamon basil) do. Oh how awesome this is to be able to do such a thing on a daily basis. But today I picked the first of the tomatillos. I found a recipe for roasted tomatillo salsa. I have been waiting to make a tomatillo salsa since the day I perused the seed website for what I might grow this year. Not too long ago I posted a pick of the numerous little ones growing.

the collection

Ye booty soaking off the goo
Mixed with a little goodness

End result

I have been talking with my onion and garlic guy at the farmers market, and now is the time to plant garlic. The goal: To plant as close to 52 garlic plants as possible. Funny that there are 52 weeks in the year, huh? It is funny that my garlic guy thinks I will not be buying garlic from him anymore since I will be growing it myself. I chuckled and assured him that I consume way more garlic than one bulb per week. Silly goose.

Armed with good advice I set out to have a place to grow the garlic. There is not much usable space remaining for planting, so a raised bed it is to be, positioned in the breeze way between the apartments.

The bookcase raised bed flourished this year, so why not semi copy the idea. There is not another bookcase to be found to be used, so cedar  planks did the trick. My neighbor cut the wood, and I assembled. Ta da!

Ready for its straw filling

The best method I found this year for growing is the method where I used straw for the bookcase and topped it off with soil. On my way home this week I will pick up another bale of straw for winter gardening and the garlic will go in the quasi ground.

The weather is not exactly unbearable like it is for my people back in Texas/Oklahoma, but it is hot enough without a breeze to require small breaks if out in the sun. But things were built and plants picked, and I guess that is all that matters.

This is what the heat will do to an individual

Sweet Frieda minus an ojo

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blog and Bake

This is the only day off this week, and what a jam packed day it has become.

transplant plants. check
plant winter squash. check
continue painting welcome sign. check
make the worms happy. check
make an awesome breakfast. check
finish solar salve after weeks of clouds. check

I have the time to do a little blogging since I am baking a few cookies this afternoon. I have intervals of 10 minutes at a time while the yumness bakes.

The garden is just rocking and rolling here. The squash have about 10 little ones a growin', and soon there will be squash a plenty.  The Peacevine Cherry tomatoes have finally arrived, and the first bite was the sweetest. My goodness! I just can't wrap my head around the wonderful tastesthat come from such a small package.  But glad and grateful that it does pack such a punch.

And what about that eggplant from a post or two ago? Oh it is growing like the rest of them.

And some of you might remember from an earlier post regarding the watermelon where I was super antsy in the pantsy and planted taragon in its pot. Well, since transplanting to the gate area, this cool guy has grown and has flowers doing their thing. 

some folks have mats, I have a welcome watermelon

a little late summer watermelon

And this is what happens when you let things go in order to catch some post season seeds.

lettuce and herb tray goes crazy

Well I am on the last batch of cookies. I hope I have enough for the compound, work, and camping next weekend. It looks as though I might. This is my first time to share a tried and true recipe, but this thing has been a champ of a recipe, time and time again. I use a recipe by Colleen Patrick-Goudreu and then make it my own, which in my mind is what makes them the awesomest. I like to add a bit of cardamon, cinnamon, nutmeg and clove. I also use dried cranberries, oats, and coconut in addition to the chips and pecans. But, it is what floats your boat if and when you make it.  Also, you might take note that this recipe is vegan. I am not, but since I loath eggs to the point where I get sick when I eat anything made with them, I bake vegan. Test drive the recipe and you might see that vegan isn't so scary. 

tsp egg replacer (Ener G brand, available in powder form from Whole Foods)
6 tbsp filtered water
1 cup nondairy butter, softened a bit (½ tub, or two half-sticks) (Earth Balance brand from Whole Foods)
½ cup granulated sugar
¾ cup organic dark brown sugar, firmly packed
3 tsp organic vanilla extract
cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
12 oz bags nondairy chocolate chips, ***(Sunspire semi-sweet, or Whole Foods 365 vegan)

Since my scanner wont work properly, I found this via the internet. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is a Pirate's Favorite Letter?

This will be a minimal attempt at including the garden in the blog. The rains have been ample, and the most time I have spent in the garden the last few days have been while picking something to eat or showing my dear friend Ora May the goods. Nothing more, nothing less.

But, as mentioned above, my dear friend Ora May was in town, and good times were had. And it just so happens that I scored a free Flip video camera (thanks Chase bank points), so what better of a time to explore behind a camera than this exact. Oh, and it was pirate weekend in Bisbee too. Crazy business.

Cuidado! There is the possibility of me not acting in my normal reserved nature, and some cursing may have occurred. But what would one expect? It WAS pirate weekend......


And the blame cannot be on adult beverages, we consumed only 5 beers in the course of 8 hours. And this is the truth. 

Q:What is a pirate's favorite letter?

A: One would think it was the R, but its really the C.

It was a brief, yet much needed trip, probably for the both of us. I love where I am, but wish all the homies were closer than they are. All of ya's.