Once again I have been gone for a bit on business, and in my absence was ample rain fall. The plants must have had one big party for the free water, for they were huge and strewn about, unruly at best. I strutted out in the garden early to see what work could be done. Before any actual work could take place, the eggplant's flower took my attention. This must have been my very first time to see one, and I had to check it all out. Once my awe was under control, the recipes were flying around my noggin on what could be made of this lovely fruit to be. Mmmmm.
What a strong nightshade family resemblance. |
I have never started tomatoes from seed before, and the wait has been long for the sweet tastes this summer. But the tomatillos are rocking and rolling, producing copious amounts of fruits, and its only a matter of time til the tasty goodness will be made into sauces and eaten in salads.
Take a closer look to spot them all. |
I was given a green zebra tomato from a neighbor, and one was oh so very close to provide its yummy goodness. But when I checked its progress in hopes today was the day, something got to it first. Damn, but luck for me there are a few right behind it ripening up.
The evidence... |
...and the hopefuls. |
Another tomato that is just doing what it does, and doing it well, is the Peacevine Cherry tomato. I was just sure that none of these survived transplanting til I worked on the jungle that is the area of the tomatillos. In strapping up the limbs of the tomatillos I saw this little plant trying its very best to reach sunlight, and was bent over towards the corn.
While I installed the bamboo supports for the tomatillos I heard a crazy buzzing from the non worm compost pile and caught this little guy decomposing like a pro.
scarab beetle |
And one last pic, I gotta get back to the garden....but a pic of the fence. With one person's idea, and the other's new brad gun/compressor kit, a job can be done, and done with reused materials.
95% made of found materials and mandala love sign by Robert Moondragon. |
baba ganouche, eggplant parm, eggplant sandwich, ratotouli...........Nice fence. What masterful brad gunning