Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is a Pirate's Favorite Letter?

This will be a minimal attempt at including the garden in the blog. The rains have been ample, and the most time I have spent in the garden the last few days have been while picking something to eat or showing my dear friend Ora May the goods. Nothing more, nothing less.

But, as mentioned above, my dear friend Ora May was in town, and good times were had. And it just so happens that I scored a free Flip video camera (thanks Chase bank points), so what better of a time to explore behind a camera than this exact. Oh, and it was pirate weekend in Bisbee too. Crazy business.

Cuidado! There is the possibility of me not acting in my normal reserved nature, and some cursing may have occurred. But what would one expect? It WAS pirate weekend......


And the blame cannot be on adult beverages, we consumed only 5 beers in the course of 8 hours. And this is the truth. 

Q:What is a pirate's favorite letter?

A: One would think it was the R, but its really the C.

It was a brief, yet much needed trip, probably for the both of us. I love where I am, but wish all the homies were closer than they are. All of ya's.

1 comment:

  1. The video above is causing problems....check it out here...
