Sunday, September 18, 2011

Garden Resurge

Although the past couple of weeks have felt like the garden was on its last leg, the past couple of days have changed my mind and my mood. I have removed many things that have passed for the season, and this was sad to me, but now I see all the room that is now free, and the plants that were a little hidden by the showiness of other plants.
Many plants that I grew, even attempted to grow, were plants that I had not grown in the past. This can be an exciting ride when unknown plants have sprouted and one does not remember what was planted. And to add to the excitement is the lull of the end of the season vacancies.

If you recall from a much earlier post (click here) there was a time when numerous plants lived on the patch of land above the house. That was until a hungry, vegetable eating varmint landed in the garden. I was able to save a few of the plants from the destruction and transplanted them to the fenced area. These plants have just not done so swell in the past few months, and I was wondering if I was watering them in vain, or if I was watering them to keep them alive so that the caterpillars that had encompassed the leaves and the stalk would have a food source. Hey, they gotta eat too! I was persistent and continued to water, just in case.

But then low and behold! S pointed out the little sprouts on the stalk. What is this I see? Have aliens landed on the property? There is no way that this plant and its sprouts could be from planet earth. But, yes indeed they are from earth, and in my garden. I might be swimming in Brussels sprouts this fall/winter season.

From planet Earth?
Snail napping on the leaves

Have I mentioned my taste bud love affair with Brussels sprouts? I know, I know you must be wondering in your head if you were on the right blog. Did I just state my love affair with Brussels sprouts? Yes, I did. I heart them, amor them, love them, which ever way might suit your fancy, I fiend for them many meals a week. I am lucky that during the interim of me not having them available, my favorite place to eat in town, POCO, tend to have Brussels sprout burritos. MMmmmm roasted Brussels sprout burritos. Soon I will be making my own, grown by me. And that makes me smile :)

And the sprouts are not the only thing rocking this time of year. The late planted okra is doing quite well. I don't know if it is my Texas upbringing or what, but I do enjoy me a good pile of okra.

I got my hands on a few packets of flower seeds about a month ago, and since the soil is all warm and grow fueled, sunflowers and another flower where I forget the name, have shown their beauty as well.

I know I like this flower, but for the life of me cannot remember its name

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