The garlic box had to sit empty for a week or so til I was able to get back in town and purchase straw from the feed store. So I hauled the third bale of straw this summer up the 52 stairs, to the empty box, ready to fill. So my new gardening partner, one-eyed Frieda, and I filled up the box and they layered it with soil.
Frieda has found her new spot, right in the middle of things. |
I thought I could wait to plant the garlic the next day, but I got a bit antsy in the pantsy and had to do it via help from S and light from the solar camping lantern. All in all, plenty of garlic was planted, but was it enough? I am an avid garlic user in my cooking endeavors. But, I know myself pretty well, and I doubt that I can go too long without building something. So I might just need to build another box. Who knows, it could be for garlic, it could be a cold frame, it could be....well, anything I reckon. I have so many ideas swirling in my head on what to do next. So little time, so many gardening possibilities.
Even though many things are slowing down their growing in the garden, there is enough still hanging in there to brighten the days. I am sure I will be ultra super duper excited if and when the watermelon comes to fruition. Or I could be the utmost upset if the blistering sun kills the eggplant I have so eagerly watched grow . Lets hope it is the first, not the second scenario. I would be pretty bummed if it were the latter.
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