Monday, September 12, 2011

"Roast? I thought you went vegetarian."

No silly, not the meat roast, the public presentation of comedic insults. Today was the day. The Keith and The Girl Roast finally arrived in the mail. I have been patiently waiting, ok, not so patiently, have you met me? The night was spent doubled over in laughter at the shenanigans these fools provide. Seriously, I have not laughed in this manner in some time, maybe ever. I still have a grin on my face, and it hurts, kinda.

Background info...go...So these two folks, Chemda (the Girl) and Keith have a 5 day a week comedy podcast from New York. They are exes and have funny people on their show that might make you spit chocolate milk (possibly Yoo- hoo?) from your nose if you were drinking this beverage while listening to their show. Not enough background for you? Listen to them for yourself, and you will understand the back story in  much better form. And you might understand my random declarations of Party! Super Party! Get with it already.

So these shenanigan giving people do a roast back in April and cut it up in a format for watching, and prior to the release invite the roasting participants on the show a month in advance. The month long lead up is one hell of a marketing tool, let me tell ya. Anyhow, this particular time frame happened to fall about the same time I listened everyday, practically. About 3 shows into this month and I was fiending the arrival of the sweet disc of laughter.

And it came. And I laughed. And now I am plugging them for free. Yes, folks, free. That is what the gut busting, laugh handing people have done to me. Free. Who doesn't like free?

Anywho, yoo-hoo, the show is funny, check them out. And when you are all caught up on who is who and what might make them outrageously funny, check out the roast.

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