Thursday, January 24, 2013

AND, I'm back?

Whew, it has been a while. And a busy while to say the least. Now that I am on my last travels for a while and the holidays are over my mind is a tad more sane. Hey, I said it was only a tad more sane. And with a saner brain can come plans of attack.

Last year took a burden on my creativity and tenacity for trying new things in the garden. I almost broke.


I wanted so much to grow what the rest of the country is able to grow. No more wasting time and energy hoping and nurturing things that just don't grow in the desert. I have learned. Although many things lived long enough to be planted and have flowers, the drought and heat killed any hopes of actually eating their fruits. This is what almost broke much care and little in return.

So if a plant was successful enough to supply me with nourishment I will grow it again. So the kitchen herbs will be increased and so will the peppers. The only new thing will be a try at a black eye pea plant to see if I can grow enough for New Year's Day. Ok, so I haven't totally learned my lesson?

My 3 year old nephew wanted to share in the blog, so what follows is his debut as a lil blogger. 5t njj j  jjjjj jjj jjjzzzzzwww333333uuuxrrr

Pretty good, no? He's a natural, you should see him on the guitar.

So here's to a new year of gardening and blogging.  May they both prosper.

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