Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Cooking with the Vegan Zombie"- Vegan Chili

I have been entertained lately by this guy who has webisodes on vegan cooking. His cooking skills, paired with his zombie killing skills, whip up some pretty yummy tasting things. I had only watched his episodes, not made anything, until today. Remembering his use of ingredients usually mirror the ingredients I like to use, I set out to make his version of vegan chili.

I must say, this chef dude's addition of cashews in this creation is marvelous. Don't be afraid of the cashews, they were awesome. Although this guy's recipe was awesome, it is my routine to Katify a recipe using what is around the house. Instead of using the beans he used, I used a 9-bean mixture from the bean traders on Kansas Settlement Road near Wilcox, Az. I also crumbled tempeh in the mix since I am on a tempeh kick as of late.  And the only other thing I did different was the pepper usage. I picked up roasted peppers from the Farmer's Market and had to use them instead of the chipotle peppers John uses. Ok, and I did do one more thing differently, the chili seasonings.

about 1 1/2 Tbs Smoked paprika
about 1 1/2 Tbs dry garlic
1tsp onion powder
1 tsp chipotle powder
1 tsp italian basil
1 tsp thyme
pinch of dry mustard
pinch of ground black pepper
pinch of sea salt (I habitually use less salt, so salt to taste)

Other than the things listed above, I followed the recipe. And let me tell ya, it was awesome. I made a Frito chili pie like when it was cold when I was a kid back home.  Next go round I will half the brown sugar and molasses. It was good with this amount, but a tad sweet for me. Mmmm, I can't wait til I have this delish dish tomorrow. I can only imagine how the tastes will have married after it sits for a bit. It is gonna take the case of the Mondays right off my lap.

And a mild hoorah...

I stepped out on the porch yesterday and noticed the leaves on the trees in front of the compound are very much yellow and no longer a vivid, lively green. And for a sweet, clarifying moment it was like a  cartoon character hitting me in the head with a frying pan. It is fall, and winter is following closely behind. With this moment of clarity, I am no longer in denial. I have shrugged off earlier cues hoping that those warm sunny stretches would do just that...stretch. The past few days have been cool in terms of temperatures and wind. I spent most of my Saturday indoors with heaters on and doors and windows tightly closed. The question I keep asking myself, "Am I ready for this?".

While my denial has come to an end, another character almost-flaw has reared its head. Procrastination. Yep, I can procrastinate with the best of 'em, and the garden has been the victim. My crazy schedule has allowed me to water ever so often and only think of the plans for the greenhouse. I did however talk with my landlady and have the appropriate 'go-ahead'. With this approval stage over and done comes the actual purchase and building stages. One wall (there will only be two and a roof) will be built at a time.

Once this key piece of gardening is built the seeds will be planted for next year's crop. When you view my procrastination in regards to the gardening schedule I am not too far behind. So I will take this feeling of laziness that has taken over me with the change in seasons, knowing that it is my body and nature forcing me to take a break for Pete's sake. 

Then, another season will begin. With lessons learned and applied, my successes will flourish...I hope.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Oh, the Rainy Days of Bisbee

The weather is definitely heading towards cold. No longer do I hope for upcoming warm days ahead. I know this is the start of the winter season. It has rained all day, and I love it. I might be singing another tune come about 3 months from now, but today it has chased me inside for most of the day. The winds are howling, chimes are serenading, and cookies are baking in the oven. Here is a clip of the pitter patter heard from the porch. What a lovely sound.

After traveling this week it feels nice to have such a lazy Sunday. I have been on the go for quite some time, and now will be staying homeside for a bit. Yesterday was spent in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico darting in and out of stores speaking horrible Spanish. Now, a day to rest before a busy week.

I have returned from good 'ol Tejas and had a great visit with the family. The nephew is growing like an onion and soaking up everything around him. Before too long he will speak more Spanish than I.

This kid is such a ham.

...and loves his wagon.

a true boy
With all this talk about cold weather I had better stop procrastinating and start to build the green house. Materials must be acquired.....