Sunday, November 20, 2011

And a mild hoorah...

I stepped out on the porch yesterday and noticed the leaves on the trees in front of the compound are very much yellow and no longer a vivid, lively green. And for a sweet, clarifying moment it was like a  cartoon character hitting me in the head with a frying pan. It is fall, and winter is following closely behind. With this moment of clarity, I am no longer in denial. I have shrugged off earlier cues hoping that those warm sunny stretches would do just that...stretch. The past few days have been cool in terms of temperatures and wind. I spent most of my Saturday indoors with heaters on and doors and windows tightly closed. The question I keep asking myself, "Am I ready for this?".

While my denial has come to an end, another character almost-flaw has reared its head. Procrastination. Yep, I can procrastinate with the best of 'em, and the garden has been the victim. My crazy schedule has allowed me to water ever so often and only think of the plans for the greenhouse. I did however talk with my landlady and have the appropriate 'go-ahead'. With this approval stage over and done comes the actual purchase and building stages. One wall (there will only be two and a roof) will be built at a time.

Once this key piece of gardening is built the seeds will be planted for next year's crop. When you view my procrastination in regards to the gardening schedule I am not too far behind. So I will take this feeling of laziness that has taken over me with the change in seasons, knowing that it is my body and nature forcing me to take a break for Pete's sake. 

Then, another season will begin. With lessons learned and applied, my successes will flourish...I hope.

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